Kingdom Culture.
We are all affected by culture in one way or another. It only takes a little look at the world around us to know that none of us are exactly the same. Differences in culture can clearly be seen in different countries and people groups. There are differences in our languages, food, dress, and behaviours. What might be perfectly acceptable in one culture may be found to be offensive in another. This doesn’t mean that one is right and one is wrong, it just means that we are different. In today's society we are learning to be more and more accepting of others cultures as they are becoming more and more mingled with each other. As well as having the culture of our countries we also have our family culture. This culture has a massive impact on us and forms the foundation for how we view the world around us. It is only when we start mixing and living with others that we learn how different people do things. When two people get married they bring together two cultures, eventually, a new culture is formed as they grow together. We also have the culture of our age group. You may have heard the term ‘youth culture’. Each generation has been part of a youth culture. It is a time when the teens of any generation make their mark in the world. Usually, it is a set of rebellion against the things of the previous generation. Although it doesn’t end up being that different a new youth culture will have its own uniqueness. Then, of course, we have the culture of the music we listen to and groups we belong to. And within different religions and denominations of the church we also find differences in culture.
I haven’t been specific about any cultural differences because there are so many variants it would be impossible to do any of the justice. But what we are looking at is the customs, heritage; way of life, lifestyle of any of the above. Perhaps take a few minutes to think about the culture that has influenced you. Ask the Lord to help you. Unless we can see and recognise that we are influenced by a culture or cultures, whatever it is, then the rest of the article won’t make much sense.
I have had the privilege of walking alongside, listening to, pray with and ministering to many people. Many have been deeply hurt and affected by events in their lives. One of the key things is for people to see themselves and their lives God’s way. They have been saved but somehow aren’t quite able to live and do life God’s way. You see when we come to Jesus for Salvation we step out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light “for you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light” Ephesians 5:8 nasb. It is at the point of salvation when we first come to Jesus to take away our sins and we choose to make Him the saviour of our lives. When we see the great price that He paid for our salvation and decide to walk as His disciple that we become part of His Kingdom. We step out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of light, out of the things and ways of the world and into the ways of God.
I live in the UK and so as a driver I drive on the left-hand side of the road I like to drive and find it an easy thing to do. For a short period of my life, I drove a bus so you can tell I am quite a confident driver. However, when I was visiting family in the USA I was nervous when was asked to drive. You see in the states they drive on the right-hand side of the road and instead of roundabouts they use U-turns. Although I had been a passenger many times I was nervous to get behind the wheel. I knew I needed to drive so I got behind the wheel of a Ford Explorer and drove to a friends house. When I think back on that I am struck by how easy it was because although on the opposite side of the road I was in the right kind of vehicle for the road system. You see I was driving on the opposite side of the car so everything was in the right place. I was still sitting furthest away from the curb and I was still sat near the middle of the road. Of course I made a few mistakes when there were no lines, like in car parks, but otherwise really enjoyed it and did a lot of driving in the end. But I wonder if I would have found it so easy if I had been driving a left-handed car on the right side of the road. I think I would have found that far more confusing and made many more mistakes than I did. With everything on the correct side for that country following the road was relatively easy. When we come to Jesus we switch to the right side of the road and the more we walk in His ways the more we become adapted and equipped for His way. At first, we have to work hard at doing things His way but the more we do it the easier and instinctive it comes to us.
As believers and followers of Jesus, we need to live in the Kingdom Culture that comes with being children of the light. Going back to Ephesians 5:8 it says we are to walk or live as children of the light. We can no longer live as the world lives but must learn to live as God’s children, His representatives here on earth. The ways of God are so often contrary to ways of the world when you consider that the ways of mankind are based on a life without God. Mankind is on a quest to be god and his own saviour. It takes some considering but when we do consider it mankind is looking to solve the problems that he himself has caused. The way of the world is born out of man but the ways of God are born out of God. When we were living without God our spirit was not alive to Him but in coming to Him we are reborn in the spirit and made alive to God and His ways.
Ezekiel 37: 10-14; Luke 15:24; Romans 8:11; Romans 11:15; Ephesians 2:1; Ephesians 2:6; Colossians 2:13; Colossians 3:1; Psalm 51:10; Romans 12:2; 2Corinthians 4:14; Colossians 3:10; Titus 3:5.
It is only when we are reborn of the spirit that we are made alive to God. You see our connection with Him comes by His Holy Spirit connecting to our human spirit. So rather than living our lives by the ways of the flesh/soul (the world) we live our lives by way of the spirit (God). We, therefore, have our eyes fixed on the things and ways of God. We begin to look towards our heavenly home rather than our earthly one. This is not easy, to our lives in God’s way without being marked by the ways of the world is easier said than done. If we were to move to a different country no matter how much we speak the new language there will always be traits of our own accent. I know someone who has lived in the USA for nearly 50 years. Although they have an American twang to their accent you can still tell that they are from England. For all intents and purposes, this person is American, they are now a US citizen and yet there are still traces of their old English culture that comes through when they speak.
To live in the ways of “Kingdom Culture” is what it means to die to self and to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. If we can allow God to change our minds and how with think then we are changed in everything that we do. Unfortunately, all too often we try to make the things of God fit into the ways of mankind. It is as though we try to make the truth of God more palatable, easy on the ears of the world. This, unfortunately, leads to believe in a god that no longer challenges the sin and behaviour of the world. We end up with a flakey and unreal belief system falling into the trap of falsifying the truth. Sometimes we even make excuses for God’s truth by saying that it was not written for the world today. We end up trying to live our lives with one foot in the world and the other trying to save our place in heaven and so doing miss out on the life that God has for us. As much as we desire to move forward with God we become frustrated because only part of us can move forward dragging the other leg behind because it is rooted in the world. We live as what the bible describes as a divided house which cannot stand. Have a look at
Matthew12:22-30; Mark 3:20-27; Luke 11: 14-23
If we want to show the awesome power of following Jesus then we must truly live as children of the light, children of His Kingdom. The world around us are seeking for God and they don’t want some nice wishy-washy god. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey they cried Hosanna thinking that He was going to do something awesome and powerful. But when He was crucified they thought He was weak and turned away from the Messiah, God incarnate, creator of heaven and earth, the great I am, almighty God. Thousands are still looking for His coming and I don’t just mean the Jews. You see God didn’t end it all there, no He rose again, He conquered death, He took the sin of the world and put it to death and rose out of death without it. People today are searching for a dynamic God who changes lives, who is just, brings freedom and has mercy. We do not have to be afraid of living our lives God’s way or speaking His truth because when we do He is right there with us. It is when we exchange His truth for something less when we water it down that our efforts fail. When God’s truth hits with the ways of mankind sparks may well fly but we must persist because His way will win in the end. Remember we are God is a mighty God, not a flaky one.
The only way to know who God’s Kingdom Culture is like is to know Jesus and to hold unswervingly to the word of God. Of course, we will make mistakes and we won't always get it right but God’s grace is sufficient and His mercy picks us up to try again. God’s desire to see the power of the enemy crushed in our lives so we are able to fully live in His ways. But God also understands our humanity and only asks that we do our best. The more we grow in our relationship with God the more we able to live in His Kingdom Culture and the more natural it comes to us. I urge you, brothers and sisters, not to settle for a wishy-washy life with God full of half measures but live in the full truth of Him and know His awesomeness. Look towards your heavenly Father and home rather than the popularity of the world.
Matthew 6:25-34
V33 - But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
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